Polyurethane Foam, or commonly known as PUF, is used extensively in applications of lower temperatures. We offer a wide range of PUF Insulation Slabs, Pipe Sections and Pipe Support with and without lamination.

The Insulation can also be done by machine, providing cavity of the required thickness and dispensing the PU Chemicals in defined proportion through dispensing machine where the isothermal reaction takes place and foam is formed. The job can be done at site and the process is called as Pouring In-Situ

Some of the common applications of PUF / PIR - Roof underdeck Insulation, Fascade Construction, Sandwich Panels, Cold Storage, Clean rooms.

Type of MAG Foam PUF / PIR Products

Puf Slabs

MAG Foam PUF Slabs

Our Foam PUF / PIR Slabs confirms to IS:12436

Standard Dimensions

Thickness: 25 to 200 mm | Sizes (in mtrs): 1 x 0.5 or 1 x 1

Available Densities: 36 to 100 kg /m3

+/- 2 approximation

Facing: Aluminium Foil, Kraft Paper or Fiber Glass Tissue

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MAG Foam PUF Pipe

MAG Foam PUF Pipe Sections

Our Foam PUF / PIR Pipe Sections confirms to IS:12436. They are basically required to hold the pipe load and are available in different shapes and sizes.

Standard Dimensions

Thickness: 25 to 200 mm | Sizes (in mtrs): 15 (1/25") to 300 (12")

Available Densities: 36 to 45 kg /m3

+/- 2 approximation

Facing: Aluminium Foil, Kraft Paper

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MAG Foam PUF Pipe

Mag Foam Pipe Supports

Mag Foam Puf Pipe Supports are basically required to hold the pipe load and are available in different shapes and sizes.

Standard Dimensions

Available Densities: 100 to 250 kg /m3

Shapes & Sizes : Pipe supports of any size & shapes can be made available to suit any requirement.

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